Sunday, 24 April 2016

GMO or not GMO?

Recently the US The Food and Drug Administration claim the safety of two types of food, apples that resist browning and potatoes that resist bruising, these are examples of genetically modified organisms - GMOs. Therefore many people are debating about the safety of GMOs.

Although 88% of scientist say that there is nothing to worried about GMOs, many people still worried about the long term effect of modifying the DNA of our food, the unnatural mixing of different spices, and the environmental impact of GMOs, 

However, there are many researches indicates that GMOs are perfectly safe, a study that compare animals that feed with GMO and conventional crops over the course of 20 years, and found that there is almost no difference between the two.

In fact, humans have been modifying the genes of animals and crop for thousands of year through human selection, that's why we have chicken, dogs, cows, corns tamatos etc. The argument of GMOs being bad are more related to the un-trust of corporations rather than facts.

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