Wednesday, 13 April 2016

Can Air Pollution atcually be good?

The Earth is a magical place, while we all know that air pollution is bad, and it is bad, scientists actually find some positive side effects of air pollution.

Believe it or nor, the more  an area is polluted, the less likely a hurricane will form. One of main source of air pollution is aerosol, and aerosol will absorb heat and makes the clouds brighter and reflects more light from the sun. Large amount of aerosol can reflect enough sunlight to change the ocean's temperature and air circulation patterns and make it harder for hurricanes to form.

Research also find that sometimes air pollution has a positive effect on global warming. That's right.
While we tend to think that plant need as much direct sunlight as possible to grow fast, the haziness cause by air pollution actually shatters sunlight so that more leafs gets sunlight, therefore they will grow faster.

Moreover, dimmer, hazier skies causes plants to absorb 20% more carbon, therefore reduces the level of carbon dioxide in the air.

So, are we supposed to keep destroying our environment? No, but scientists are looking into ways to re-create these environment without polluting the air, it is call geo-engineering. But that is an topic for another day.

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