One of the biggest problem comes from supermarkets,
Large number of perfectly fresh delicious food are discarded before they get in to the supermarket. Producing food requires land,water,fossil fuel and soil, we use precious resource to produce food. Therefore it is a true pity that half of these food are dumped just because they didn't meet the cosmetic standard of supermarkets. Writer Tristram states that "in a blink an of en eye, we missed the true beautify of these ugly vegg"
Supermarkets also regularly change or cancel order, making tons of food that already produced gets dumped.
Supermarkets created an image of overwhelmingly abundant of food supply to lure people buy more than they need, resulting food waste. Also, over-cautious expiry labels confused customers and make them toss out what is still good to eat.
Supermarkets and restaurants overproducing to maintain a full menu. They also increased the size of plate, food so that people are eating more than they need, causing food wastes and obesity. One statistics shows that the average calorie in one slides of pizza increased 70% from 1982 to 2002.
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